I am pleased to announce that I will be taking on the role as Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Skandiabanken (SKBN) in January 2017, where I will be responsible for business development, innovation and IT.
Skandiabanken is the leading internet bank in Norway, established in 2000, as Norway’s first pure Internet bank for private customers. Skandiabanken challenged the incumbent banking industry upon arrival, and I look forward to continue to challenge the established banking industry in Norway as part of the team.
Given the nature of my current and future role, my resignation is effective immediately, and I will have 3 months garden leave. I have already signed up as a volunteer for Kodeklubben, where I will spend some time teaching children basic understanding of code. To be honest, I haven’t had this much time off since I was a baby, and will try to do something useful with the rest of my time.
It is however somewhat bittersweet having to leave my good friends and colleagues at SpareBank 1. It has been a great couple of years. I am confident that I am leaving a company well positioned for the future of financial services and expect to face a worthy opponent now that we will be competitors.
Wow, brilliant. Great scoop by Skandiabanken. Best of luck on your way and I hope you will continue writing, not just on banking, but also on InsureTech.
Velkommen til Skandiabanken! 🙂 Dette blir spennende. Og det skjer på nok en hyggelig dag for banken: http://news.cision.com/no/epsi-norway-as/r/dnb-far-bank-av-kundene,c2091301
Spennende 🙂 Velkommen til verdens beste bank!
Velkommen til oss! Vi gleder oss til å ha deg med på laget 🙂
Velkommen til oss i Skandiabanken!!
Gratulerer herr Hernæs! Dette blir spennende! Da har du vel tid til å komme innom snart da… Arbinsgate 🙂
Gratulerer – Skandiabanken er heldige. Lykke til !