Bitcoin as a computer system just turned 10 years. Satoshi Nakamoto fired off the system by hand-coding the first block in the system, block #0, and the rest is history. However, the history is still short, and we still do not know what impact cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology will have on our society as a whole, or the financial sector in particular.
Bitcoin is useless
While the recent surge in bitcoin price is good news for many bitcoin investors, it should be seen as a death sentence for the functional value of bitcoin. As the price continue to reach new record levels, it becomes obvious that bitcoin is useless for anything else than speculation.
Blockchain – hype or reality?
Around this time last year, blockchain was the hottest subject in finance and tech. It was close to impossible to attend an industry event or read a subject-specific news source without hearing about blockchain. As the attention to blockchain has cooled down some might ask whether it was all just a hype.
Bitcoin is dead – long live bitcoin
It has been a while since the bitcoin community claimed that bitcoin was the one currency that would replace fiat currencies. For many people, the idea behind bitcoin was to decentralize the traditional financial system, favoring a fully decentralized one. However, it’s quickly became very unlikely that the world will ever switch from using government-issued money to using bitcoin. The last two years has been all about the blockchain. Now, bitcoin is gaining momentum as a potential new asset class.
What is this infamous blockchain and how does it actually work?
When talking about fintech, I usually mention blockchain at some point. One of the most common questions … What is this infamous blockchain and how does it actually work?Read more
Bitcoin er mer enn en spekulativ valuta
This blog post is in Norwegian and was originally published at e24. For My english-speaking readers, … Bitcoin er mer enn en spekulativ valutaRead more
The future of finance is in real time
This post was originally published at TechCrunch. In a world of decreasing size, and rapidly increasing … The future of finance is in real timeRead more
Denmark is focusing on specialized building blocks for Fintech
Denmark has established Copenhagen Fintech Innovation and Research (CFIR), a business cluster for fintech which states … Denmark is focusing on specialized building blocks for FintechRead more
Bitcoin: Why Everyone Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Blockchain
After the fall off Bitcoin prices from its peak at $1,242 in 2013 to hitting below … Bitcoin: Why Everyone Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the BlockchainRead more