Blockchain technology is set to have a profound impact on a wide range of industries ranging from capital markets to the music industry. While some use cases may seem obvious, the technology is still surrounded by its fair share of hype and uncertainty. As a manager, how should you approach the subject, and when should you put your money where your mouth is and actively aim to implement blockchain technology?
Norwegian mining company Intex signs agreement to develop asset backed digital token
Intex Resources ASA to be renamed Element ASA signs Terms of Agreement with Harmonychain to explore initiation of an Initial Coin Offering of asset-backed digital tokens based on blockchain technology.
Is the surge of ICOs an innovative funding source or a bubble waiting to burst?
Initial Coin Offerings has suddenly emerged to be a fast growing funding source for technology startups, and by July this year, almost $1,3 billion has been raised through this funding mechanism, where more than half of the amount was raised in June. With this speed of adoption, wither someone has figured out something ingenious to fill a gap in the market, or we are looking at a greed-driven bubble.
Blockchain – hype or reality?
Around this time last year, blockchain was the hottest subject in finance and tech. It was close to impossible to attend an industry event or read a subject-specific news source without hearing about blockchain. As the attention to blockchain has cooled down some might ask whether it was all just a hype.
Identitet i en digital verden
Hver person, ting og entitet har sin egne unike identitet, og evnen til å bevise denne er nøkkelen til alt fra å logge inn på Facebook til å levere inn selvangivelsen. Vi omgir oss med ulike former for digitale identitetsløsninger som gir oss tilgang til innhold, foreta betalinger og kommunisere gjennom dagen. Samtidig henger mange av prosessene og reglene knyttet til opprettelse og verifisering av identitet igjen i den fysiske verden med signaturer, papirbasert ID og fysisk oppmøte.
Core banking – fintech’s final frontier
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. This idiom has acted as a rule of thumb for core banking solution for several years. While analysts has claimed repeatedly that legacy IT is slowing incumbents down, the existing and sometime ancient core banking systems still work flawlessly. Although, even if something works an upgrade is due when the world around is moving at an increasingly rapid pace.
You can’t have financial inclusion without digital inclusion
One of the most exciting aspects of fintech is the promise of delivering financial services to the unbanked and underbanked population of the world. According to the World Bank, 2 billion people are still unbanked in the world today. Even though this is a high number, it still is a decrease of 20 percent since 2011. Of the unbanked population, 1,5 billion people are unbanked due to their inability to prove their identity through a valid birth certificate, passport, proof of residence through utility bill or some other means to fulfil traditional KYC-procedures.
How will blockchain impact the music industry?
While the financial industry is on the brink of disruption, the music industry has been on a steady decline as digital has replaced physical distribution the last ten years. Even though revenues in the music industry is growing for the first time since 1995, the gap between music consumption and artist revenues is growing. This is due to several factors, but one of the contributors for lesser known artists is how streaming platforms calculate royalties. The way it works, the artist’s monthly streams is divided on total monthly streams, effectively favoring whatever becomes that months huge hit, instead of dividing revenues per play. This has enraged both fans and artists, and some artists have chosen to pull their music from streaming services such as Spotify.
The stream from Oslo blockchain day is now available
Trying my best to explain blockchain from a banking perspective.
Blockchain from a banking perspective
Shared some perspectives on blockchain at Oslo blockchain day today.
What is this infamous blockchain and how does it actually work?
When talking about fintech, I usually mention blockchain at some point. One of the most common questions … What is this infamous blockchain and how does it actually work?Read more
Bitcoin er mer enn en spekulativ valuta
This blog post is in Norwegian and was originally published at e24. For My english-speaking readers, … Bitcoin er mer enn en spekulativ valutaRead more
The future of finance is in real time
This post was originally published at TechCrunch. In a world of decreasing size, and rapidly increasing … The future of finance is in real timeRead more
For those in search of summer reading material
After a busy couple of months with many interesting developments in fintech, I’ll be taking a … For those in search of summer reading materialRead more
Bitcoin: Why Everyone Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the Blockchain
After the fall off Bitcoin prices from its peak at $1,242 in 2013 to hitting below … Bitcoin: Why Everyone Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love the BlockchainRead more