As head of business development and IT, making sure we have sufficient developer capacity to reach our goals is a significant part of my job. I thought I’d share the story of how we successfully have scaled our development capacity significantly while maintaining productivity and cost-efficiency.
Why is legacy tech a problem and how do we fix it?
One of the issues for incumbents when facing a new digital reality is the burden of legacy technology. Why exactly is this a problem, how do we end up with legacy IT, and how should we approach it?
We have reached the second half of the chessboard
We should expect to see technology having a huge impact on every aspect of society in the years to come from everything to artificial intelligence, widespread adoption of blockchain technology, gene editing and human augmentations just to name a few areas. This will shape customer behavior, business models and required skill sets and leadership in a new business environment where speed and agility are the primary competitive advantages.
The ethics of transhumanism
When I was growing up, my father often told me that Andy Warhol once said that he wanted to be a machine, and that it would be a lot easier to be a machine. If something broke, you could just replace it. I am not even going to try to answer the many ethical, moral and existential questions raised by transhumanism. The only thing I know is that it is inevitable that advances in robotics, bionics, artificial intelligence and genetics will affect the next phase of human evolution, and we should not underestimate the ethical and social implications.
Professional eSports is becoming a big thing
When Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty launched, I played Starcraft 2 online a lot. And by that I mean a lot. As a result of this I inevitably drifted into watching streams of other players competing in order to improve my own game. I even remember having my favorite casters, Husky and TotalBiscuit in addition to following Team Liquid. Eventually I stopped playing as much as well as stopped following the eSports scene.
The importance of a technical due diligence
Digital transformation will affect every industry and in the future, every company will be a software … The importance of a technical due diligenceRead more