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Open banking: A key turning point in the digital banking revolution?


The landscape for financial services is changing, and the jury is still out as to how the endgame is going to play out. One of the concepts shaping this future is open banking.

This development emerged out of the payment area where a perfect storm of shifting customer behavior, regulatory changes, the threat from the four horsemen (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) and the quest for new business models are driving banks toward the open banking paradigm.

This will be the topic of discussion on December 7th, when I have been asked to moderate a Brighttalk webinar. For this topic I have chosen to invite Chris Skinner from the Financial Services Club, Brett King of Moven, Matthias Kröner  of Fidor and Pascal Bouvier, venture partner at Santander to join the discussion. Tune in to this free webinar on Brighttalk to hear some of the worlds leading experts on digital banking discuss what they are saying, doing, and planning when it comes to Open banking. Is it a key turning point in the banking revolution or merely the latest hype from the world of fintech?

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