Rumors of competition from the technology sector has been going on for a while in the financial industry, and last week the debate heated up when it was rumored that Amazon was considering acquiring Capital One. There may be some obstacles regarding this specific scenario, but it does not change the fact that Amazon already is well positioned to take a strong position in financial services regardless of regulatory barriers for structural growth.
Digital Ecosystems
Consumer trust in a data-driven world
Our digital data form the basis for new digital products and services, but the competitor is only a click away if consumer trust is not managed properly.
Open banking: The nature of digital ecosystems
The banking industry is facing many of the same perils as the telco and media industry has been though in the latter years, and the primary challengers are the same ones that have been feasting at the media and telco’s profit margins for more than a decade. These are the four horsemen of the incumbents apocalypse (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon). While they are vastly different in many ways, they all share the traits of a succesful digital ecosystem.
Banks should not underestimate Facebook Messenger
Before you say that Facebook is no longer perceived as cool with today’s youth, do you know what is even less cool? Banks.
When you break down the numbers, coolness becomes less relevant. When it comes to user engagement, Facebook’s reigns supreme above all others. WhatsApp has exceeded 1 billion users, and Facebook Messenger reports 900 million users, handling 60 billion messages a day combined — three times the number of traditional text messages. The combination of chat and payments have already proven to be a great success, as exemplified by the launch of Facebook Pay, Snapcash by Snapchat, WeChats integrated payment solution and Kakao Pay in Kakao Talk in South Korea.
The evolution of Facebook
It is once again time for Facebooks annual developers conference, f8 and once again Facebook proves … The evolution of FacebookRead more
For those in search of summer reading material
After a busy couple of months with many interesting developments in fintech, I’ll be taking a … For those in search of summer reading materialRead more
What are the implications of Facebook Pay?
Facebook finally unveiled its plans for an integrated payment solution similar to Snapcash by Snapchat, WeChats integrated … What are the implications of Facebook Pay?Read more
Google Strengthens Its Grasp On The Insurance Industry
Ever since the acquisition of BeatThatQuote in the UK in 2012 there has been rumors of … Google Strengthens Its Grasp On The Insurance IndustryRead more
Sharing is everything but caring in the sharing economy
One of the hot topics so far this year is what will become of P2P services … Sharing is everything but caring in the sharing economyRead more
The sharing economy and the future of finance
Banking has gone from somewhere you go to something you do. If we are to believe … The sharing economy and the future of financeRead more
When payment processing becomes a commodity
One of the big subjects of discussion in the banking industry earlier this year was the … When payment processing becomes a commodityRead more
Will Google enter the insurance industry?
When it comes to collecting and organizing information, Google is well on its way to establishing … Will Google enter the insurance industry?Read more