Fem grep for bedre digital sikkerhet
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Fem grep for bedre digital sikkerhet

Forrige måned var nasjonal sikkerhetsmåned, og digital sikkerhet er viktigere enn noen gang. I følge NorSIS har antallet digitale angrep mot norske virksomheter, både store og små tredoblet seg siden 2019, og globalt har digitale angrep økt med hele 42 prosent i 2022 alene.

Angrep på datasystemer er allerede i dag et våpenkappløp mellom kriminelle og de som jobber med IT-sikkerhet, og metodene blir stadig mer sofistikerte og kreative. Med en stadig eskalerende krig i Europa som både utspiller seg på bakken og i den digitale verden.

Has fintech lost its appeal?
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Has fintech lost its appeal?

If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. Fintech was for a long time believed to disrupt financial services without being subject to the same requirements as banks. As the market matures and access to capital becomes scarcer, all signs point towards the market coming to terms with the fact that many fintechs are in fact closer to financial services companies than software.

Gjør det enkelt
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Gjør det enkelt

Det sies at en gjennomsnittlig voksen person tar 35 000 valg i løpet av en dag. Bare i løpet av denne korte artikkelen vil den gjennomsnittlige leser flere ganger gjennom teksten velge hvorvidt det er interessant nok til å lese videre, eller om notificationen som nettopp tikket inn på smarttelefonen virket mer interessant, eller hvorvidt det allerede nå er nok tekst og på tide og bla gjennom TikTok for litt enkel underholdning.

Challenger banks are having challenges on their path to profitability
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Challenger banks are having challenges on their path to profitability

There has been no shortage of challenger banks competing for the customer’s attention in the past decade. However, it is far between the ones that manage to turn a profit. As capital becomes more scarce, and valuations are declining, challenger banks with no clear business models other than nifty features and a niche target audience, are facing a bumpy road ahead.

What is the consequence of doing nothing?
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What is the consequence of doing nothing?

Challenging the status quo is one of the hardest part of leading change. In a time when as good as all industries are facing radical changes over the next decade, innovation is necessary for survival. However, all too often, organizations and leaders are stuck in a “wait and see” mode. Rather than taking a leap of faith into the unknown, incumbents all too often find themselves on the steady decline into obsolescence by doing nothing.

Facebooks grand push into cryptocurrencies will likely never see the light of day
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Facebooks grand push into cryptocurrencies will likely never see the light of day

Facebook’s digital currency Diem, formerly known as Libra, has faced a lot of controversy since it was announced a couple of years ago. Now it seems like it will never materialize beyond the headlines. Facebook/meta may have unprecedented distribution power, but that was not sufficient to realize this larger than life crypto project.

The innovator’s guide to leading change
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The innovator’s guide to leading change

Ever since I wrote my master’s thesis on innovation capabilities in established companies, I have constantly been on a mission to understand how to lead real change and push the innovation agenda from an incumbent standpoint. Looking back at the combination of my theoretical background combined with several years of practical experience, I will try to summarize some of my experiences in a short and hopefully sweet playbook for corporate innovation.

From open banking to open finance – what to expect?
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From open banking to open finance – what to expect?

Of all the trends and technologies predicted to change the landscape of financial services, open banking has proven to be the most transformational. Even as the dust has settled after the implementation of PSD2, leading banks show no sign of slowing down their efforts towards an open banking future. With another regulatory push toward open finance looming on the horizon, how should financial institutions prepare to stay ahead of the curve?