
Innovation – Finance – Technology



Constraints foster innovation

When it comes to innovation one of the most common associations to the term is to think outside the box and set your inner child free. While brainstorming completely without boundaries may produce some entertaining ideas, the usefulness of those ideas is often limited. Just look at how small startups are able to challenge behemoths corporations in incumbent industries, it is definitely not due to a limitless supply of resources, but rather the opposite.

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Digitalåret 2018

Digitalisering har vært et tema som har vært vanskelig å overse i 2017, og selv om det tidvis kan fremstå som en hype, så er det lite som tyder på at dette er et fenomen som vil gå over. Norske virksomheter må heller forberede seg på en vedvarende tilstand kontinuerlig endring er den nye normalen der det kommende året vil by på nye digitale muligheter og utfordringer.

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How to reinvent your core business

Attempting to reinvent your core business is hard. When it comes to innovations, the further you venture from your core business, the higher the likelihood of failure becomes. At the same time, sticking to an eroding core business for too long is a surefire way to slowly fade into obscurity. How should leaders manage innovation and avoid being caught between doing nothing and chasing the wrong opportunities?

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Finansbransjens digitale revolusjon har så vidt begynt

Fra en beskjeden start for kun få år siden har norsk finansteknologi (fintech) blitt et sentralt tema i videreutviklingen av norsk finansnæring. Kombinasjonen av regulatoriske endringer som krever at bankene tilgjengeliggjør deler av sin betalingsinfrastruktur for tredjeparter gjennom betalingsdirektivet PSD2, endringer i kundenes forventinger og adferd og mulighetene som ligger i ny teknologi utgjør en perfekt storm som driver frem behovet for endringer i bransjen.

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Banking is necessary, banks are not

Banking is necessary, banks are not was stated by Bill Gates all the way back in 1994, and has served as the mantra for the first wave of fintech. Following the Silicon Valley obsession of disrupting incumbent industries, numerous fintechs were ready to challenge every aspect of banking and deliver better banking services directly to consumers. Armed with the recent Millennial disruption index, where 71% of respondents claimed to rather visit the dentist than listen to their bank everyone was convinced that the days of incumbent banks were numbered.

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Is the surge of ICOs an innovative funding source or a bubble waiting to burst?

Initial Coin Offerings has suddenly emerged to be a fast growing funding source for technology startups, and by July this year, almost $1,3 billion has been raised through this funding mechanism, where more than half of the amount was raised in June. With this speed of adoption, wither someone has figured out something ingenious to fill a gap in the market, or we are looking at a greed-driven bubble.

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