The State of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

Could Trump’s antagonization of Europe bring the EU and China closer together?

What is the upcoming EU Omnibus, and is this the starting point for a more agile European Union?

Digital gold or magical internet money – The ever-shifting narrative of crypto

Succeeding with corporate venturing

The State of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

Could Trump’s antagonization of Europe bring the EU and China closer together?

What is the upcoming EU Omnibus, and is this the starting point for a more agile European Union?
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What is the upcoming EU Omnibus, and is this the starting point for a more agile European Union?

In the coming week, the European Commission has announced that it aims to publish its omnibus package, introducing measures to streamline reporting requirements across multiple EU sustainability laws to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses and to make EU business more competitive. What will this mean for the green transition, and will this mark a crossroads for the EU where simplification and deregulation become the norm?

Digital gold or magical internet money – The ever-shifting narrative of crypto
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Digital gold or magical internet money – The ever-shifting narrative of crypto

Crypto is once again the talk of the town. The rollercoaster ride that is crypto pricing has once again risen from the valley of despair to new records. BTC is closing in on the 100 000 USD mark, and meme coins are once again flourishing. At the same time, we are still short of any mainstream practical use cases for crypto and its underlying technology.

Innspillsmøte nasjonal digitaliseringsstrategi
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Innspillsmøte nasjonal digitaliseringsstrategi

Forrige uke var jeg invitert til å gi innspill til ny nasjonal digitaliseringsstrategi, der det var et ønske at jeg tok for meg temaet arenaer for samspill, innovasjon og datadeling, og behovet for regulering. Invitasjonen til et slikt møtet er nettopp en slik arena, og for at en nasjonal digitaliseringsstrategi skal tilføre verdi, må næringslivet involveres, både i utforming og i kontinuerlig kursjustering.

Why is the Norwegian fintech sector struggling?
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Why is the Norwegian fintech sector struggling?

Norwegian fintech is following the downward trend of the sector globally, as indicated by a survey conducted by the Ontogeny Group on behalf of Finansforbundet. Simultaneously, as revenue growth levels off and access to capital for the sector dries up, the accumulated deficits are increasing. This set of challenges will undoubtedly lead to more companies in the sector throwing in the towel in the times to come.

Is artificial intelligence the catalyst for digital transformation of the construction industry?
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Is artificial intelligence the catalyst for digital transformation of the construction industry?

Artificial intelligence is the talk of the town in every industry these days, and construction is no exception. Digitalization is imperative to improve operational efficiency in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry in the future, and AI is one of the most impactful technologies to make that happen. Here’s how.

Generativ AI – sesongens hype eller et gjennombrudd for kunstig intelligens?
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Generativ AI – sesongens hype eller et gjennombrudd for kunstig intelligens?

Den siste tiden har det vært nærmest umulig å ikke få med seg mengdene av AI (kunstig intelligens)-genererte bilde, skapt av tjenester som DALL-E og NightCafe. Og aktiviteten nærmest eksploderte denne måneden med tjenestene CHatGPT og Lensa. 

Men hvilke implikasjoner vil denne teknologien ha ut over en jevn strøm av AI-generert innhold og profilbilder i sosiale medier?

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