
Innovation – Finance – Technology



Building a personal brand

Even though my primary driver for writing this blog is to gain a better understanding of various topics related to my everyday job as well as some out of pure curiousity. In my mind, if I am able to make enough sense of a topic to create an understandable text, I have gained a higher level of understanding than if I just were to read a book or an article. It is no secret that building a personal brand at the same time has been intentional and carefully planned. For those who wish to do the same, here is my advice.

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Nye digitale forretningsmodeller eller digitaliserte raskere hester?

Digitalisering er ingen engangsøvelse, og der vi tidligere har vært dyktige til å digitalisere eksiterende prosesser for å løse kjente oppgaver raskere og mer kostnadseffektivt handler det å være digitalt om å re-tenke sine prosesser og forretningsmodeller ved smart bruk av ny teknologi. Norske banker har lang historikk for å bruke teknologi til å løse kjente problemer, men hvordan skal vi rette blikket fremover og løse morgendagens problemer for våre kunder?

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Are incumbents seeking comfort in infrastructure

A metaphor describing the challenges incumbent banks were facing at the dawn of fintech was whether the banks were destined to maintain the rails or operate the train in competition with nimble startups and tech giants. Even though every bank out there were and still is unified in their quest to resist disintermediation and maintain ownership of the customer relationships, actions speak louder than words.

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Open banking: Going from vision to execution

By now, open banking has become the talk of the town in the banking industry. However, going from strategy to execution is the tricky part. Moving too fast without sufficient understanding your surroundings may result in unforeseen consequences, and on the other hand playing it (too) safe may result in a never-ending strategic analysis of what you could have, would have and should have been done. In order to get started, one must be able to refine and restrict the scope, focus and deliver.

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64 tiltak for økt digitalisering av Norge

Det siste året har jeg hatt gleden av å delta i regjeringens styringsgruppe og ekspertutvalg for næringslivets evne til å utvikle og ta i bruk ny teknologi. Resultatet er 64 konkrete råd for å styrke Norges konkurransekraft gjennom digitalisering. Vi ikke bli best på alt, og vi anbefaler derfor strategisk satsing på de fire teknologiområdene kunstig intelligens, stordata, tingenes internett og autonome systemer.

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