If the rise and fall of Powa Technologies taught us anything, it is that fintech valuations are not always rooted in reality. Powa technologies, once estimated to be worth $2,7 billion collapsed earlier this year. What made this sudden fall from grace possible?
The state of fintech in Scandinavia in numbers
Authors note: Investment statistics only include disclosed investment amounts, and should be considered a low estimate.
Challenger banks panel discussion at European fintech awards
I had the pleasure to share the stage with these great guys at European fintech awards.
The stream from Oslo blockchain day is now available
Trying my best to explain blockchain from a banking perspective.
Blockchain from a banking perspective
Shared some perspectives on blockchain at Oslo blockchain day today.
The ultimate guide to fintech in Norway
Fintech is one of the hottest segments in Norway these days, and the fintech scene is growing rapidly. After showcasing promising fintech companies at Money 20/20, the world is now looking to the Nordics for the fintech companies of the future. Activity levels were high in 2015, and by the looks of it, the industry shows no signs of slowing down. The number of fintech companies is increasing steadily, and is joined by excisiting software vendors looking to renew themselves.
The evolution of Facebook
It is once again time for Facebooks annual developers conference, f8 and once again Facebook proves … The evolution of FacebookRead more
A short summary of Money 20/20 Europe
This week Copenhagen was the center of attention for anyone interested in fintech and the future … A short summary of Money 20/20 EuropeRead more
An update on fintech in Scandinavia
With Money 20/20 Europe coming up the Nordic region is the center of attention for the … An update on fintech in ScandinaviaRead more
AI, so hot right now
This blog post was originally posted at TechCrunch. Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest subjects … AI, so hot right nowRead more
From headlines to heart and soul: How do banks engage with startups in a meaningful way?
This post is sponsored by Money 20/20 Every day there are partnership announcements between banks and … From headlines to heart and soul: How do banks engage with startups in a meaningful way?Read more
Are payments necessary?
This post was originally published at TechCrunch. Payments has been one of the hottest areas in … Are payments necessary?Read more
My blog has reached its one year anniversary
One year ago today I decided to start a blog, and apparently celebrating blog anniversaries is … My blog has reached its one year anniversaryRead more
Digitalisering er ikke forbeholdt fremtiden, det er nå det skjer
This blog post was originally published in e24 (in Norwegian). Digitalisering vil føre til massive endringer i … Digitalisering er ikke forbeholdt fremtiden, det er nå det skjerRead more
Alternative finance is gaining traction in the Nordics
Crowdfunding and alternative finance has grown from 6 billion USD in 2013 to 16 billion USD in 2014, … Alternative finance is gaining traction in the NordicsRead more
Omfanget av roboter og kunstig intelligens er mer komplisert enn vi kan forestille oss
This blog post is in Norwegian and was originally published at Aftenposten. Det var de beste … Omfanget av roboter og kunstig intelligens er mer komplisert enn vi kan forestille ossRead more
Digitalåret 2016
This blog post was originally published in e24 (in Norwegian). Omstilling og digitalisering var ordene alle … Digitalåret 2016Read more
Fintech predictions for 2016
After an exciting year for fintech in 2015 with investment levels at least doubling from 2014, consolidation … Fintech predictions for 2016Read more