This is a guest contribution by Anna Kurcirkova. Though we share this big, blue planet with thousands … Threats to marine life we need to be concerned aboutRead more
Sikkerhet er inngangsbilletten for å lykkes digitalt
I takt med digitaliseringen øker behovet for kompetanse og fokus på digital sikkerhet eller cybersikkerhet. For … Sikkerhet er inngangsbilletten for å lykkes digitaltRead more
64 tiltak for økt digitalisering av Norge
Det siste året har jeg hatt gleden av å delta i regjeringens styringsgruppe og ekspertutvalg for næringslivets evne til å utvikle og ta i bruk ny teknologi. Resultatet er 64 konkrete råd for å styrke Norges konkurransekraft gjennom digitalisering. Vi ikke bli best på alt, og vi anbefaler derfor strategisk satsing på de fire teknologiområdene kunstig intelligens, stordata, tingenes internett og autonome systemer.
Hva skal vi egentlig med kontanter?
Selv om det gir mening å kvitte seg med kontanter for å forebygge økonomisk kriminalitet, korrupsjon og hvitvasking, må vi være oppmerksomme på de uforutsette konsekvensene.
Facebook is still a force to be reckoned with in financial services
Facebook’s potential in financial services has been a recurring topic on my blog for the last couple of years. With this month’s announcement that Facebook has approached leading US banks with a request to access transaction data, another piece of the puzzle falls into place.
Norwegian banks spearhead PSD2 collaboration
Even though the technical implementation of PSD2 has been delayed, there is no doubt that opening up the banking infrastructure will change the face of retail banking as we know it. While Norwegian banks are not required to open up until the second half of 2019, Sbanken and the SpareBank 1 banks are getting ahead of the curve and are making PSD2 happen long before it is required.
Banker i Finance Innovation-klyngen starter PSD2 i forkant av hva som er påkrevd
Fintech-klyngen Finance Innovation ber norske banker bli mer offensive før PSD2 trer i kraft, og Sbanken, Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane og Sparebanken Vest går ut i forkant av ny lovgivning og går nå sammen om å utveksle kundedata med hverandre.
Watch out banks, a new breed of fintechs are coming for mortgages
Just as banks are starting to become comfortable with fintech startups as potential innovation partners rather than disruptors, a new breed of fintechs are targeting retail banks primary cash cow, mortgages.
One third of all in-store payments will be contactless by 2020
Contactless payments are picking up the pace, and while still dominated by contactless cards, mobile wallet adoption is estimated to reach 450 million users by 2020, with Apple Pay accounting for 1 in 2 mobile wallets.
Fremtidens bank er relevant
Fremtidens bank leverer en kundeopplevelse som gir mening for folk i deres hverdag, og gjør livene deres enklere. Har snakket om dette, åpne grensesnitt, bitcoin og blockhain i et intervju med Finansforbundet.
It is unlikely that Apple will open up NFC for third-party payment solutions
In the wake of the Apple Pay launch in Norway, the fact that only Apple themselves is allowed to provide NFC-based payments through the handsets, making Apple Pay the only option for contactless payments through an iPhone has become a hot topic, and Apple has been reported to the Norwegian competition authority for exploiting their dominant market position to prevent competition. Despite this, it is still unlikely that NFC access for payments will be opened for third-party developers anytime soon.
Are you a finance challenger?
The Nordic fintech scene is growing fast in terms of number of startups and investments and innovative and ambitious startups are popping up in all of the major cities. TheFactory is running a 12-week accelerator programs tailored to fintech startups. Read more and apply now.
Digital kompetanse er ferskvare
Når alt som kan digitaliseres, skal digitaliseres, raser debatten om kompetansen som kreves for å bygge vår digitale fremtid. Enten det gjelder digital kompetanse blant ledere, eller studieplasser innen ikt, så preges debatten av en undertone preget av den norske dugnadsånden, der vi gjør et felles løft. Utfordringen med denne tilnærmingen er at digital kompetanse er ferskvare og kontinuerlig må videreutvikles.
Leveraging PSD2 for credit scoring and lending
With PSD2 around the corner, both banks and aspiring third parties are preparing for what seems to be a new dawn for financial services. However, the discussions so far have been revolving around on potential loss of transaction revenues and the battle for the customer relationship. However, at the end of the day, the majority of bank revenues are from loans, and how will PSD2 impact lending?
Can regtech ease the burden of compliance?
With the massive amounts of regulations hitting the financial services industry in 2018, regtech is once again a hot industry topic. However, even though regtech was deemed the new fintech back in 2016 it has not scaled, as we would have expected from the initial hype. With a seemingly never-ending flow of regulatory requirements, how will the financial industry respond to the corresponds increasing cost and complexity?
Should Norway introduce a central bank issued digital currency?
This is the question that a Norges Bank working group has been investigating in the initial phase of a study of central bank digital currencies. The working group’s report provides an overview of some of the relevant issues in an assessment of whether to introduce a Central Bank issued digital currency in Norway.
What is the cost of doing nothing?
Challenging the status quo is one of the hardest part of leading change. In a time when as good as all industries are facing radical changes over the next decade, innovation is necessary for survival. However, all too often, organizations and leaders are stuck in a “wait and see” mode. Rather than taking a leap of faith into the unknown, incumbents all too often find themselves on the steady decline into obsolescence by doing nothing.
Do you need a blockchain?
Blockchain technology is set to have a profound impact on a wide range of industries ranging from capital markets to the music industry. While some use cases may seem obvious, the technology is still surrounded by its fair share of hype and uncertainty. As a manager, how should you approach the subject, and when should you put your money where your mouth is and actively aim to implement blockchain technology?
Is your strategy fit for a digital world?
In an age where incumbents are facing a perfect storm of change, one must rethink ones approach towards corporate strategy and embrace the exponential nature of a platform or ecosystem strategy rather than sticking to a traditional linear product-centric approach. Failing to make this transition of strategic mindset will spell certain death for your business.
Et selskap uten åpne grensesnitt er som en datamaskin uten internett
Et selskap uten åpne grensesnitt er som en datamaskin uten internett