
Innovation – Finance – Technology



Nye digitale forretningsmodeller eller digitaliserte raskere hester?

Digitalisering er ingen engangsøvelse, og der vi tidligere har vært dyktige til å digitalisere eksiterende prosesser for å løse kjente oppgaver raskere og mer kostnadseffektivt handler det å være digitalt om å re-tenke sine prosesser og forretningsmodeller ved smart bruk av ny teknologi. Norske banker har lang historikk for å bruke teknologi til å løse kjente problemer, men hvordan skal vi rette blikket fremover og løse morgendagens problemer for våre kunder?

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Are incumbents seeking comfort in infrastructure

A metaphor describing the challenges incumbent banks were facing at the dawn of fintech was whether the banks were destined to maintain the rails or operate the train in competition with nimble startups and tech giants. Even though every bank out there were and still is unified in their quest to resist disintermediation and maintain ownership of the customer relationships, actions speak louder than words.

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2017 has been an eventful year so far

It has been almost 6 months since I got on the plane and headed over to Bergen to take on the role as Chief Digital Officer in Skandiabanken. By now, fintech has exploded as a mainstream topic with an increasing level of interest from the general public. As customer expectations intensifies, so does the sense of urgency for banks to actually but those words into action and put their money where their mouths are. So far this year, I have done my part to make that happen.

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Identitet i en digital verden

Hver person, ting og entitet har sin egne unike identitet, og evnen til å bevise denne er nøkkelen til alt fra å logge inn på Facebook til å levere inn selvangivelsen. Vi omgir oss med ulike former for digitale identitetsløsninger som gir oss tilgang til innhold, foreta betalinger og kommunisere gjennom dagen. Samtidig henger mange av prosessene og reglene knyttet til opprettelse og verifisering av identitet igjen i den fysiske verden med signaturer, papirbasert ID og fysisk oppmøte.

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Cash is no longer king

The idea of a cashless society is one of the topics that stirs up a heated debated when it comes to digitalization of banking and society. On the one hand, physical cash is the common denominator for corruption, tax evasion, money laundering and other various illegal activities. While the anonymity of cash acts as an enabler for the illegal economy, many fear that the lack of said anonymity will inevitably lead to an Orwellian society where individual freedom is limited.

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We have reached the second half of the chessboard

We should expect to see technology having a huge impact on every aspect of society in the years to come from everything to artificial intelligence, widespread adoption of blockchain technology, gene editing and human augmentations just to name a few areas. This will shape customer behavior, business models and required skill sets and leadership in a new business environment where speed and agility are the primary competitive advantages.

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Digitalisering handler minst av alt om teknologi

Det siste året har vært preget av et fokus på digitalisering og omstilling innen både offentlig og privat sektor. Finansbransjen opplever at digitalisering fører til nedbemanninger og behov for effektivisering, ny teknologi og digitalisering er hovedtemaer i regjeringens industrimelding, og regjeringen viser til teknologiutvikling og innovasjon som nøkkelen til å lykkes med det grønne skiftet. For å lykkes med digitalisering er det viktig å se på teknologi som et verktøy for å nå målet fremfor målet i seg selv.

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What we learned about the transformation of Consumer Banking from 5 Pirates with Ties interviews

This post is a rePress from the summary of dailyfintech.com interview series, Pirates with Ties.

One of the things that makes this job so much fun is the ability to talk to the really smart people in a dynamic market. Doing a startup is hard; we are entrepreneurs ourselves so we get that. However we want to counter the myth that all innovation comes from VC funded startups. To do that we need to find real innovation that has had an impact (not just “innovation by press release” about experiments) and then find people within established financial institutions who are willing to talk about on the public record.

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